
10 06 2009

Abortion debates tend to be either very polite and condescending, vague and distant and unanchored in concrete life, or of the screaming angry variety. I have a new proposition. Why don’t we acknowledge that educated, well thought out sharing of information and thoughts will do more good than anything else? Protesting with signs gives no real education to the passerby who are the target audience, and things of this nature tend to lead to people who have no real idea of facts, statistics, or procedures bullying others.

Another important idea; everyone, educate yourself and then don’t be afraid to say what you think and why. Yes, some (often many) people will despise you. However, half the problems regarding this issue stem from the fact that people talk in generalities, grey areas, and maybes. Saying simply, “Well, I guess it’s wrong, except sometimes, you know, like incest or whatever,” does not constitute an opinion.

I will now state my opinions on abortion.

One- it should be legal until the third trimester, unless it poses a serious health risk (physical or psychological) to the mother. I emphasize serious. I say it should be legal for the first two trimesters because in all reality, this gives a woman adequate time to discover her pregnancy and make a decision. Most congenital defects which might influence a decision can be diagnosed in this time frame as well.

Two- I find it perfectly morally acceptable to terminate a child because it will be mentally retarded or otherwise severely disabled in some way. The parents, whose lives will be irrevocably changed, are worth more than a fetus. I say this openly, and yes, I’m fully aware of how horrible it sounds. This doesn’t change the fact that I personally think a fully grown woman’s dreams, plans, desires and beliefs are more important than a half-developed child who will feel only brief pain.

Three- On a slight tangent, I believe that our governments should institute mandatory I.Q. testing. If the I.Q. of a person falls below the score of, say, 89 (the high end of the dull or slow intelligence range) they should be provided and educated on the proper use of birth control until the age of 18, and if their I.Q. is still below the acceptable number, they should be sterilized. To put it frankly, I believe stupid people should not have children. If they feel the urge to procreate, they should adopt one of the world’s countless children instead of passing on their undesirable genes.

Four- I respect beliefs contrary to the ones I have expressed above, and provided it stays polite and respectful, I am happy to have a conversation about them. However, I will fight to the death for my right to have an abortion if I feel the need, especially considering that I have always made it a point to stay educated regarding my sexual health, and the possible if unlikely results of my activities are included in that. Whittled down to the essentials, I find the idea of a forced pregnancy terrifying, do not want to go the adoption route because I believe our world is hideously overcrowded, and again, I think I am more important than a child. A side note- I will fight to the death for other’s right to not have an abortion, and to speak their minds about it, as well.

Five- Don’t use the argument of, “Well, this woman here decided not to have an abortion, and now she wouldn’t give up her baby boy for anything in this world.” This is illogical and merely a statement of the blindingly obvious. Of course she loves her baby now, it’s a natural instinct that nearly every woman would experience. Of course she would die for her baby now. This doesn’t change the fact that had she gone through with the abortion, she would not feel these feelings because there would be no baby. Not every woman, not nearly as many as are portrayed, go through racking guilt and regret after abortions, though some do.

Writing this was cleansing for me; I am so sick and tired of knocking heads with people who either refuse to lay down in black and white what they believe or try and deafen me into submission. I would add something to the effect that I am not a bad person, but I believe that I shouldn’t have to justify my beliefs. Thank you for reading, and any comments are welcome.

Rest in Peace, George Tiller

2 06 2009

(August 8, 1941 – May 31, 2009)

You dedicated your life to helping women who exercised their right to make a choice, and it’s sad that one of those who protested what you did as ‘murder’ had to, in turn, resort to murder. Rest in peace.

There Are Enough Double Standards Out There, Why Create More?

6 05 2009


So Carrie Prejean (the one who made the anti-gay comments), the 2009 Miss California winner, has been discovered to have taken some topless photos a few years back. Of course, there was a rather ridiculous scandal and the pageant community was shocked. Outraged! Horrified! They are as prim and proper as a Victorian nanny, apparently.

Now we all know that pageants have a swimsuit portion… Well, what in the hell do the pageant organizers THINK is being ogled? The future Miss California’s big, bouncing brains? No. They doth protest too much, I think. Topless photos surface, and that’s a big no-no, but stripping down to a string bikini and striding the stage is fine and dandy? That’s exactly what a stripper does. But if a contestant revealed a past career in exotic dancing, I’m betting she’d be out on her ass.

Get real, folks. These women are being judged for their bodies- repeat, THEIR bodies. They can do what they like with them. An organization shouldn’t criticize women for revealing themselves for a camera rather than onstage. If you were the Girl Scouts, then yes, the photos would be inappropriate. You’re not- you’re a contest that requires an itty bitty bikini, so reap what you’ve sown.

Restauraunt Dress Code?

13 07 2008

Now, it’s a very rare day that I get a chance to eat in any restauraunt, let alone a really classy kind of joint. But this NY Times article poses an interesting question; should dress codes in fine restauraunts be allowed? (Part Two here.)

In my opinion, yes, but only reasonable ones. Guys shouldn’t have to wear suit jackets and ties- as long as they have on slacks of some sort, a nice shirt (not a t-shirt or polo shirt) they oughta be good to go. For girls, the same- no jeans, please! A nice blouse and pants are the rule for females- why should guys have to go the extra mile?

Think of it this way; when you’re eating in a really nice restauraunt, soaking in the atmosphere and delighting in the twenty-five forks arranged beside your plate, do you really want to look over and see a guy wearing a faded T-shirt and scruffy flip-flops? Kinda wrecks the whole experience, yeah?

What’s your opinion?