Fingertips Across My Skin

22 02 2009

After nearly a month of dark vampy nails (cobalt blue, chocolate, forest green) having my nails light is definitely a big change for me. Tonight I’m going to a black-light dance with some friends so I  did my tips white and man, I am loving the mod look.


Please excuse the poor picture quality, my dad has our camera at the moment. I used N.Y.C. polish in 134A French White Tip over a base coat of Sally Hansen Max Growth Plus Base+Top Coat (which, by the way, has done wonders for my slow-growing nails). This color is obviously intended for a traditional French manicure but it provides such a clean, pure white that somehow doesn’t look chalky.

Try your nails white to add an unexpected pop. Wear them with pure white clothing and a tan for that country club look, add a coat of glitter for optimal unicorn luring, or just stare at them on a hot day and drift off into memories of snow.