And the Leg Bone is Connected to the Thigh Bone…

23 09 2009

“I thought long and hard about what I really wanted, what my passion was. And I decided I wanted to be a fucking zombie.”

-Rick, Zombie Boy, June 2008

I just stumbled over this guy’s interview and I gotta say, he totally nails my sense of humor. Even if you’re not a fan of braaaaaaaaains, go read it, seriously, it’s funny and it will actually make you think, too. He’s the perfect example of a person society thinks must be stupid/uneducated/a total delinquent, but then the person says, “Up yours, society,” and spouts off some well thought out, totally cogent and memorable quotes, thereby kicking society’s collective ass and sending them slinking away. Yes, this is probably a little insane* but even if you hate all tattoos, you at least have to admire his dedication. I know I have a little crush..

Extra credit : Gala’s Guide to Getting Great Tattoos Without Regret

* Rick also says, “I sacrificed my whole future for this.” So please, please don’t get even a small tattoo unless you absolutely love it and have thought about it for a long time. If you have, then go for it, baby!

Dress for Success

12 09 2009

Ever thrown open your closet door and stood there staring blankly, thrown into a whirling morass of boredom and despair? Ever realized that every possible combination of your clothing has been worn over… and over… and over… Well, sometimes regular garments just don’t cut it. Some days you want a little extra in your step, a special sparkle in your eye! To find your way out of the Dull Clothes Doldrums, a fashionista’s equivalent of writer’s block, draw inspiration from something you’ve never used as a model before; even the strangest or most random things can result in fun outfits. Try these inspirations to start out with.

Dress like a mermaid! Sure, you can go Disney style on this one and superglue some shells to your tatas. A more tasteful, still funky, and much less painful option includes fantastical shoes that look carved from coral, a fish-scale skirt, and rich inky-blue sequins. For added fun, carry around a bottle of bubbles and blow them at everyone you see.

Dress like a moon maiden! Delicate bejeweled sandals like moonbeams adorn your feet, sheer chiffon your body, and a glimmering unicorn-lure of silver feathers glints in your hair. Dip your nails into melted pearls and blow kisses with sugary-pink lips to the man in the moon.

Dress like Jane Eyre! Entice your very own deliciously brooding Rochester with a ladylike silk blouse worn over a woolen violet dress. Sensible gray boots cover your (gasp!) ankles, while a locket provides the perfect place for sketches of your forbidden love. Who says skin is the only way to be sexy? Wear this with inordinate amounts of common sense and courage.

Dress like a secret agent! Perhaps carrying around an actual handgun isn’t the best idea, but in head-to-toe sexpot black and an electric yellow tank, you’ll have plenty of kickass attitude without one. Paint your nails intense scarlet, bite your lip provocatively at cute boys or girls everywhere, walk with businesslike speed but with a swing to your hips, and make up scandalous pasts for each person you see.

Futher sources of inspiration: Movie characters. Imaginary friends. Fairy tales. Favorite beverages. Songs. Scents. Types of rocks. Places. Animals that don’t exist. Animals that do exist. Aliens. Local legends. Deep caves. Weather.


4 09 2009

Girls, embrace the leather, the eyeliner, the motorcycles- and the pride!