There Are Enough Double Standards Out There, Why Create More?

6 05 2009


So Carrie Prejean (the one who made the anti-gay comments), the 2009 Miss California winner, has been discovered to have taken some topless photos a few years back. Of course, there was a rather ridiculous scandal and the pageant community was shocked. Outraged! Horrified! They are as prim and proper as a Victorian nanny, apparently.

Now we all know that pageants have a swimsuit portion… Well, what in the hell do the pageant organizers THINK is being ogled? The future Miss California’s big, bouncing brains? No. They doth protest too much, I think. Topless photos surface, and that’s a big no-no, but stripping down to a string bikini and striding the stage is fine and dandy? That’s exactly what a stripper does. But if a contestant revealed a past career in exotic dancing, I’m betting she’d be out on her ass.

Get real, folks. These women are being judged for their bodies- repeat, THEIR bodies. They can do what they like with them. An organization shouldn’t criticize women for revealing themselves for a camera rather than onstage. If you were the Girl Scouts, then yes, the photos would be inappropriate. You’re not- you’re a contest that requires an itty bitty bikini, so reap what you’ve sown.